Partnered with Trinity Christian Reformed Church, Areopagus is a campus ministry that seeks to reflect the ongoing relevance of the Gospel and Christian worldview to all facets of life for the students, faculty, and staff of Iowa State University. As a ministry of the Christian Reformed Church in North America (CRCNA), Areopagus brings a distinctly Reformed perspective to everything it does.

Some opportunities include:
Student Bible Study
Meeting on Tuesdays at 7:15 PM in the Memorial Union (MU), in the Gold Room. This fall to study a series on (soon to come), exploring Christian faith and community in a post-Christian culture.
Student Dinners/Meals at Home
Each month during the fall and spring semesters, the Trinity CRC community hosts a meal for ISU students. Enjoy food, fun, and community. Meals begin at 6:00 PM. All are welcome!
Text Lora at 505-387-6861 for details of the next meal.
Coffee, Tea, and English
A conversational English program for international students that meets on Fridays, 4:30-6:00 PM in the Gerdin Lobby for conversational English with international students, visiting scholars, and their families. Food, fun, and a great opportunity to meet people from around the world
ISU Men’s Group
Meets every Sunday at 8, Trinity Christian Reformed Church, 3626 Ontario. “Every Good Endeavor: Connecting your work with God’s work” is the current book and this study is lead by Joel, Lora’s husband.
ISU Prays
Every Friday at noon, meet us at the campanile for prayer for Campus. If the weather is not being nice, we will meet in the MU.
Visit the Areopagus website for more details.
Contact Areopagus Director Lora Copley with any questions.
Areopagus Summer 2023
Areopagus Spring 2023
Areopagus Fall 2022