God calls us to love our neighbor and to take care of the least of us.
The King will reply, ‘Truly I tell you, whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers and sisters of mine, you did for me.’
Matthew 25:40
Trinity Christian Reformed Church offers a variety of opportunities throughout the year for people of all ages to support, serve and, encourage others–within the Ames community and beyond.

Recent community projects have included:
- Packaging meals with Meals from the Heartland.
- Sharing the joy of Christmas through Angel Tree.
- Connecting with and encouraging staff and students at a local elementary school.
- Assisting with some food insecurity needs in the neighborhood.
As a church, we support a variety of ministries and social service agencies within our community, including: Food at First, Good Neighbor Emergency Assistance, Home For Awhile, MICA, NAMI Central Iowa, and Wings of Refuge. Our backyard is the home to the Food at First garden plot.
We support global ministries through World Renew, Resonate Global Mission, and God’s Mercy to Haiti.
Many individual members of TCRC are involved in diverse community organizations that advocate for social justice and serve those who need assistance.