Adult Classes
Adult Sunday School classes are offered during the school year after worship.
Sunday Fellowship
Join us after Sunday morning worship to enjoy a beverage and a snack while we gather as a family to socialize and share our concerns and joys.
Breakfast Club
A caring and sharing fellowship group that meets for coffee and breakfast on the 2nd and 4th Wednesdays of each month @ 8:30 AM at the Lincoln Center Hy-Vee in Ames: 640 Lincoln Way in Ames.
Contact Tom Kuyper, Mary Kuyper, or Judy Oltman with any questions.
This group meets once a month. Participants bring their own Un-Finished Objects (crafts, etc.) to work on, or just come to enjoy the fellowship. Devotions, prayer, and refreshments are also part of the evening. New members are welcome!
UFOs will meet on the 3rd Monday of each month at 7:00 PM in the fellowship hall or at a home of of the group members.
For more information contact office@amestrinity.org.
Trinity Outdoors
This group periodically gathers for various outdoor activities. Our church family heads to Principal Park to enjoy an Iowa Cubs game each summer–a great time of fellowship for the baseball enthusiasts.
For more information contact Mark Voss.
Summer Softball
TCRC fields a softball team that competes against other churches in the Ames area. The season starts in May and continues through late July
For more information contact Mark Irvin.